Understand Your Bill
Confused by your bill? We're here to help.
We want to make it easy for you to understand the charges that appear on your bill. Here you'll find explanations on how your bill is calculated.What is the Rate Structure?
Texas Gas Service customers receive monthly bills. Your monthly bill provides detailed information about your account. The amount of natural gas you use is measured on a meter at your home. Your meter will be read and your account billed at about the same time each month.
A Guide to Your Bill
- Contact Information. Information Center phone number, natural gas leak emergency number, Texas Gas Service website & customer inquiry address.
- Your Texas Gas Service Account information and bill amount.
- Your Energy Usage for the previous 13 months.
- Summary of Rates and Charges.
- Your Natural Gas Usage Information for the Billing Period.
- Share The Warmth Program contribution box. Please check this box when making a contribution.

What are the different charges listed on my bill?
Austin Incorporated Residential Service Rate (AUS I/S Res)
Applicable to a residential customer or builder in a single dwelling, or in a dwelling unit of a multiple dwelling or residential apartment, for domestic purposes. A residential consumer includes an individually-metered residential unit or dwelling that is operated by a public housing agency acting as an administrator of public housing programs under the direction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and builders prior to sale or re-sale of a property for domestic purposes. This rate is only available to full requirements customers of Texas Gas Service Company, a Division of ONE Gas, Inc.
Cost of Gas (COG)
Cost of Gas (COG) includes the cost the company pays for natural gas, as well as related storage and transportation costs. The COG may also contain other charges approved by the appropriate regulatory authority. State statutes or regulations do not allow the company to mark up the cost of gas.
Customer Charge or Service Charge
Customers pay a Customer or Service Charge to help recover the fixed costs of providing natural gas service. Fixed costs include bill processing, meter reading, meter equipment, service line maintenance and customer service personnel.
Delivery Charge
Customers pay a Delivery Charge to have natural gas delivered to their residence or business. The charge is based on billed gas usage and may vary monthly.
Cost of Service
Cost of Service includes the Service Charge and Delivery Charge, as well as additional fees related to ensuring that gas and related services are available when you need them.
WNA (Texas)
The Weather Normalization Adjustment (WNA), which is related to normal weather, is applied to the billed usage and appears as a credit, if it is colder than normal, or a debit, if it is warmer than normal. In Texas, the factor changes monthly.
Units of Measure
Abbreviation for 100 cubic feet.Mcf
Abbreviation for 1,000 cubic feet.Dth
Abbreviation for 1,000,000 Btu's (1 MMBtu).
Billing Questions and Appeals
Billing Questions and Appeals
If you believe your bill is incorrect, call our customer service line at 800-700-2443 before the final service date printed on the bill. We will promptly investigate and advise you of the results. In the event the dispute is not resolved, we will inform you of the complaint procedures of the appropriate regulatory authority.
Natural gas service will not be disconnected for the bill you are disputing but subsequent months must be paid while the bill is being investigated. You will not be required to pay the disputed portion of your bill that exceeds the average usage for the billing period at current rates.
If you have a serious health problem that will result in someone residing at your residence becoming seriously ill or more seriously ill if service is discontinued, we may be able to continue your service for an additional 20 days. We must receive a written request from you or a written statement from a licensed physician no later than five working days after the due date of the bill. Our customer service representatives can work with you to provide a deferred payment agreement. Customers 60 years or older may request a payment extension of up to 10 days past the due date without penalty.
Regulatory Authority
Registering a Complaint with the Regulatory Authority
Complaints not handled to your satisfaction may be registered with the company’s regulatory authority. Complaints should be submitted in writing. Customers inside the city limits should contact their local officials at city hall. Customers in unincorporated areas may contact:
Gas Utilities Division
Railroad Commission of Texas
P.O. Box 12967
Austin, TX 78711
Rules of Service and Rates
Texas Gas Service is regulated by municipalities and the Railroad Commission of Texas and operates under Rules of Service approved by these authorities. Copies of the Rules of Service and our rate structure are available here.