Customer Awareness

We are committed to operating safely and in an environmentally responsible manner. Our mission to deliver natural gas for a better tomorrow guides the safe operations of our business and serves as a reminder that we also live and work in the areas we serve. We are your neighbors, friends and family. Operating safely is not just a commitment to our customers, it’s the commitment to a better tomorrow for us all.

What to Know About Natural Gas Utilities

  • Our job is to provide customers with reliable natural gas service through an expansive system of regulated natural gas pipelines.
  • Our pipelines are designed, installed, tested and maintained to meet federal, state, and industry requirements. 
  • A focused system integrity strategy makes us efficient and proactive in providing safe and reliable natural gas service to more than 2.1 million customers throughout the Midwest. 
  • Pipelines in many areas are underground and you should always be aware of safety measures related to natural gas.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do I Identify Your Employees?
    Texas Gas Service employees carry a company photo identification card, and many wear uniforms. Ask to see proof of identity before allowing anyone into your home. Call Customer Service (800-700-2443) if you are uncertain about why we need to enter your home or to confirm the employee’s identity. Our employees understand your desire to verify that they have a reason to enter.
  • How Can I Prepare for the Heating Season?

    Care should be taken that nothing obstructs a heater’s air intake and that vents and flues are intact and unblocked to avoid the potential of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Texas Gas Service recommends customers have a qualified contractor inspect heating and cooling equipment annually and also install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors according to manufacturer’s instructions. If you suspect the presence of carbon monoxide, leave the area immediately and call 911. Read these helpful tips for avoiding CO in your home.

    Save Energy and Money
    In spite of the cold, customers can reduce the impact of the weather on their bills with some conservation steps:

    • Make sure heaters are properly adjusted and running with clean filters.
    • Add weather-stripping and seal windows and doors.
    • Consider lowering the thermostat at night.
    • Seal off unused rooms to prevent unnecessary heating.

    You may also sign up for the Average Bill Calculation (ABC) Plan, which reduces the fluctuations in your bill amount each month by spreading your natural gas expenses throughout the year.

  • How Do I Read My Meter?

    Most of our meters are located above ground along property lines or in the utility easement. Visit the How to Read Your Meter page to learn the basics on meter reading and reporting.

  • How Can I Better Understand My Bill?

    We have a dedicated page on understanding your bill. You can view it here.

  • How Do I Avoid Utility Scams?

    Keeping our customers and our communities safe is important to Texas Gas Service. We've provided information below to help you avoid being the victim of fraudulent activities.

    It is important to always remember:

    • Texas Gas Service does not collect a payment in person.
    • Our employees wear Texas Gas Service-logoed blue denim shirts and jeans.
    • Texas Gas Service employees carry a company ID.
    • Our employees drive Texas Gas Service-logoed vehicles.
    • Properly dispose of your paper bills by shredding or destroying them so your personal information cannot be obtained. Consider enrolling in e-statements by logging in to your account and selecting the Electronic Statements toggle.

    How to Avoid Falling for Scams*

    Be wary of giving personal information over the phone.
    Never provide your Social Security Number, credit card number or banking information to anyone requesting it over the phone or at your home unless you initiated the contact and feel confident with whom you speak.

    Use your own personal information.
    Always pay your bills with your  information; never pay your bills with information that is not yours.

    Do your research.
    If you receive a call claiming to be your utility company and feel pressured for immediate payment or personal information, hang up the phone and call the customer service number on your utility bill.

    Beware of the door-to-door sales approach.
    Never allow anyone into your home to check electrical wiring, natural gas pipes or appliances unless you scheduled an appointment or reported a utility problem. Always ask utility employees for proper identification.

    Be proactive.
    Contact your bank immediately if you suspect fraud. Also contact the three national credit bureaus - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion and request a notation made on your account to avoid impacts to your credit.

    Inform others.
    Share this information with friends and family so they do not become victims. Older people are common victims of this type of scam, but anyone can be a victim.


    *Source: Better Business Bureau

  • Under What Circumstances Could My Service Be Disconnected?

    Natural gas service may be disconnected for any of the following reasons:

    • A dangerous condition exists*
    • Failure to make timely payment of a final notice
    • Failure to comply with deposit or guarantee arrangements or terms of a payment arrangement on a past due balance
    • Use of natural gas in violation of Texas Gas Service rules or any law, ordinance or regulation
    • Failure to allow Texas Gas Service representatives access to the premises for lawful, professional purposes
    • Tampering with or damaging a meter or other equipment*
    • Failure to curtail natural gas use that endangers supply for consumers in higher priority classes*

    * Natural gas service may be terminated without notice for these reasons.

    A written notice will be given at least five working days before natural gas service is terminated due to non-payment of a bill. The earliest termination date will be printed on the notice. Unless a dangerous condition exists, or unless the customer requests disconnection, service will not be disconnected for non-payment on Saturday, Sunday, company observed holidays or the day before these days unless the company can provide customers with the ability to reconnect their service the following day.

    When you schedule your natural gas service to be turned off, it could remain on and active at the location for up to 30 calendar days following the requested date for discontinuance.

    Natural gas service will be restored after the cause for termination has been corrected, unless termination was due to theft or fraud.